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唐旭日 教授 硕士生导师

(Xuri Tang, PhD, Professor, Chair of the Department of Translation and Interpreting. He received his doctorate degree from Nanjing Normal University. He had been a visiting scholar at School of Informatics at University of Edinburgh and School of Social Sciences at University of Adelaide.)

Research Focus
His research is mainly focused on the dynamic aspect of lexicon in language, with publications on topics of computational lexical semantics, such as named entity recognition, metaphor computation, semantic change computation, semantic prosody and construction clustering.
He is also interested in studies of computer-aided translation, particularly in term extraction, post-editing after machine translation and grammar error detection.
Research Projects
  1. 2020-2023, 国家社会科学基金项目,现代汉语动词语义演变的构式地图计算研究,主持。
    Semantic change computation of modern Chinese verbs based on Construction Maps, supported by Fund of National Social Science.

  2. 2019-2021年,教育部科技发展中心高校产学研创新基金项目,特定领域无监督术语库自动构建方法研究,主持。
    Unsupervised bilingual term database construction in special domains, supported by the Ministry of Education of P. R. China.

  3. 2011-2017年,国家社会科学基金项目。基于隐喻计算的词义发现研究,主持。
    Sense induction based on metaphor computation, supported by Fund of National Social Science.

  4. 2010-2015年,国家社会科学基金。词语认知属性的语言知识库建设,参与。
    Construction of knowledge database of lexical cognitive properties, supported by Fund of National Social Science.

  5. 2008-2010年,国家自然科学基金。汉语隐喻理解关键技术研究,参与。
    Key technologies of Chinese metaphor interpretation, supported by Fund of Nature Science.

  6. 2007-2010年,国家社会科学基金。汉语词语搭配与语义特征分析的相互关系研究,参与。
    Correlation between Chinese collocation and semantic feature analysis, supported by Fund of National Social Science.

  7. 2007-2010年,国家科技部“863”课题。面向GIS的文本空间关系解析机制研究,参与。
    Spatial interpretation in text for GIS, supported by fund of Ministry of Science and Technology, P. R. China.

  1. TANG, X. (2021). How metaphoremes emerge: Case studies of Chinese verb metaphors. Review of Cognitive Linguistics, 19(1), 80-110.

  2. 叶惠芳,唐旭日。2021,基于分形理论的隐喻结构历时变化分析—以“充电”隐喻为例,CLSW 2021,南京。

  3. 孟福永,唐旭日。效率为先:机器翻译译后编辑技术综述。《计算机工程与应用》,2020年第22期。

  4. Xuri Tang. Developing Metaphoric Concepts with Constructions: A Corpus Based Analysis. International Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2019. Nishinomiya, Japan.

  5. 唐旭日。双音节形容词的性质化倾向,第十届汉语语法化问题国际学术讨论会,宜昌,2019年。

  6. 孟福永,唐旭日。基于大数据的认知语义计算—评《词语认知属性的知识库构建和应用》,《外语教育》,2019。

  7. TANG, X. (2018). A state-of-the-art of semantic change computation. Natural Language Engineering, 24(5), 649-676.

  8. TANG, X., Liu, G. (2018). Solving contradictions in semantic prosody analysis with prosody concord. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 23(4), 437-466.

  9. Xuri Tang. Lexeme-Based Collexeme Analysis with DepCluster. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory.  13 (1) :165-202.Complementary Data Download

  10. Wang Xinda. Xuri Tang. Word Sense Disambiguation with Semantic Inference. BESC 2017.

  11. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A Successive Approach. World Wide Web Journal. 19(3), 2016.

  12. Liang Hu and Xuri Tang. Multiword Expression Extraction Based on Word Relativity. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 5(1), 27-40, 2014.

  13. Dan Liu, Min Hua, Maohua Qian, Xuri Tang. Manual Investigation on Context for Word Sense Disambiguation. CLSW 2014: 278-285.

  14. Bin Li, Yan Ma, Xueyang Liu, Xuri Tang. Quantitative Analysis of "ADV+N" via Cognitive Property Knowledgebase. CLSW 2014: 414-424.

  15. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen. Semantic Change Computation: A Successive Approach. Behavior and Social Computing, Springer, pp 68-81, 2013.

  16. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Bin Li. To Acquire Conceptual Metaphors from Experience, to appear in ICIC Express Letters, 7(6), 2013.

  17. Bin Li, Haibo Kuang, Yingjie Zhang, Jiajun Chen, Xuri Tang:Using Similes to Extract Basic Sentiments across Languages. WISM 2012: 536-542.

  18. Bin Li; Haibo Kuang; Xiaohe Chen; Xuri Tang; Chen Chen. Construction of a bilingual cognitive property knowledgebase. Proceedings of the 2011 Seventh International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Security (CIS 2011), p 1100-3, 2011

  19. Weiguang Qu; Xuri Tang; Junsheng Zhou; Yanhui Gu; Bin Li. A practical framework for formalizing and extracting Chinese collocations. 2011 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering (NLPKE), p 390-6, 2011

  20. Yuxia Sun; Weiguang Qu; Junsheng Zhou; Xuri Tang; Ying Di; WeiCheng Wu. An Improved Feature Selection Method in Chinese Text Categorization. International Journal of Knowledge and Language Processing, 2(3), p 48-55, July 2011

  21. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Beyond Selectional Preference: Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns. International Journal on Asian Language Processing 20 (4):141-156, 2010.

  22. Xuri Tang, Weiguang Qu, Xiaohe Chen and Shiwen Yu. Automatic Metaphor Recognition Based on Semantic Relation Patterns,Accepted by International Conference on Asian Language Processing, 2010.

  23. Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen, Weiguang Qu, and Shiwen Yu,Semi-Supervised WSD in Selectional Preferences with Semantic Redundancy,The 23rd International Conference on Computational Linguistics(Posters):1238-1246,2010.

  24. 唐旭日, 陈小荷, 张雪英. 中文文本的地名解析方法研究. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 2010年第8期

  25. 唐旭日, 陈小荷, 许超, 李斌. 基于篇章的中文地名识别研究. 中文信息学报, 2010年第2期

  26. 曲维光, 唐旭日, 俞劲松. 超大规模语料库精加工技术研究. 当代语言学,2009年第2期

  27. Xuri Tang, Xiaohe Chen,Minxuan Peng. Toponym Resolution in Discourse, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering,Nov. 2008

  28. Weiguang Qu, Xuri Tang, Bin Li. Personal Name Recognition Based on Categorized Linguistic Knowledge, Proceedings of 2008 WI-IAT, Nov. 2008

  29. Xuri Tang, Zi Peng, Dongmei Zhou. Adaptive Approach to Concordance Readability. Proceedings of Workshop on Intelligent Information Technology Application. Nov. 2007,IEEE Computer Society

  30. Xuri Tang. English Morphological Analysis with Machine-learned Rules. Proceedings of the 20th Pacific and Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation, Nov. 2006, Tsinghua University Press

  31. 唐旭日, 陈小荷. 中文地名结构分析, 第四届计算语言学学生会议论文集,2007.

  32. 唐旭日. 以学习者为中心:一个数据驱动词汇学习系统的设计. 语料库语言学的研究和应用, 2005, 广州:华南师范大学出版社。

Books & Patents
  1. 专著:《动态隐喻论:隐喻复杂性计算》,即将出版,北京:北京大学出版社。

  2. 专利:一种搭配构式自动获取方法(专利申请号:CN202011413473.6)

  3. 唐旭日、张际标。2020。《计算机辅助翻译基础》。武汉:武汉大学出版社。

  4. 唐旭日。2018。《搭配与谓词语义计算》,武汉:武汉大学出版社。

  5. 唐旭日,张际标.  2017. 《计算机辅助翻译基础》. 武汉:武汉大学出版社.

Courses Taught
  1. “计算语言学”、“英语精读”、“计算机辅助翻译”、“普通语言学”、“商务英语视听说”。
    The courses he has given include Computational Linguistics, Computer Aided Translation, Intensive Reading, General Linguistics and some others.

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